Tui Lawn Force Superstrike Hot & Dry 750g
Product Code: 2994
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Ideal for sunny, dry, or coastal areas, and sandy soil. Medium blade with a high drought tolerance. Protects against insects, diseases, and birds. Fast germination of seed, within 7 days in ideal weather conditions.
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effectively binds the treatment to the seed, minimising dust. Use TuiThere is nothing quite like wandering barefoot across your backyardsavouring the feeling of grass between your toes. Tui Superstrike Hot &Dry Lawn Seed creates a lawn with deep penetrating roots, perfect for dryconditions or sandy soil. Our Hot & Dry blend includes turf fescue,Kentucky blue grass, and fine turf rye, for a drought tolerant lawnsuitable for medium-high use areas. All Tui Superstrike Turf lawn seedvarieties feature a unique treatment which encourages fast establishment oflawn seed, so you can see results in as little as seven days. This industryleading treatment also protects the seed from common fungal diseases duringestablishment and reduces bird theft. It includes an additive whichSuperstrike Hot & Dry Lawn Seed, follow our 3 Steps of Lawn Care, andyou'll be enjoying a hardy, healthy green lawn in no time. 750g coversapprox. 30 square metres. Superstrike® is a registered trademark of PGGWrightson Seeds Ltd and contains a fungicide registered pursuant to theACVM Act 1997.

To ensure you have asuccessful lawn the soil needs to be in the best possible condition to givelawn seed the best chance of germination. When starting a new lawn fromscratch, spray the area to kill any existing grass and weeds. Clear awayweeds and grass once it has browned off. Apply a layer of Tui LawnPreparation Mix 25-30mm deep to the area, to provide lawn seed with a baseof essential nutrients and fertiliser. Create a level and compact area foryour lawn by raking, rolling and filling in where needed. Water beforesowing lawn seed. Sow seed evenly at a rate of 25g per square metre.Scatter seed in an east to west direction then a north to south directionto ensure an even spread. Rake in lightly to ensure seed iscovered. Water lightly and keep moist on a daily basis during thegermination period. A new lawn will be ready to mow when it has reached aheight of at least 5cm and the root system has had time to develop.