
Dahlias are one of the stars of the summer garden.

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Dahlias come in a wide range of colours, flower types and size, foliage colour and heights. They flower freely, are easy care, and make excellent cut flowers for the home. 


Herbs are timeless. Their popularity has survived hundreds of years and they are as much in demand today as ever.

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Fresh or dried, herbs add zest to cooking, perfume the house and have natural medicinal and cosmetic benefits. The fun of making pot pourri, tussie mussies, infused vinegars and pestos from your own garden is most rewarding. 

April Gardening

Clean up, hedging, bulbs, and veggies

Nichol's Group 0 5534

April is about planting spring bulbs and the sooner daffodils are planted, the better they will perform. There are always a few places where a few more bulbs can be planted such as scatter plantings of bluebells and crocuses under deciduous trees, little dwarf tulips and irises tucked into rock gardens or fritillaria and dogs tooth violet enjoying some shady spots.


How to grow & Care for Cyclamen

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Flowering at a time of year when little else can be found flowering, Cyclamen are a popular indoor houseplant. With their beautiful, long-lasting flowers and interesting heart-shaped leaves with a marbled silvery pattern, who can resist one to brighten up any room in the house!