CSI Urine Cat Odour Remover 150ml
Product Code: 22883 ( CSI Urine Cat Odour Remover )
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Stains and smell of pet urine are difficult to erase, as commerciallyavailable cleaning products are powerless when confronted with the threemain components of urine: urea, urochrome and creatinine. In contrast tothem, the formulation of CSI Urine® consists of a unique and proofedcombination of enzymes. These enzymes break the three main components ofurine systematically – and kill odour and stains at their basis. CSI Urine®cat Sustainable elimination of stains and smell – caused by your cat.Unique combination of “hungry” enzymes – actually digesting organic matter.Not only effective on urine, but also on feces, vomit, blood and otherorganic material. Field of application: Works on hard surfaces,tiles, carpets, upholstery and fabrics. Effective on old and new stains.CSI Urine® uses smart science, not harsh chemicals – and is therefore safearound pets, humans and the wider environmentalike. Application: Check for colourfastness on aninconspicuous area. Remove excess urine, feces or vomit with papertowels. Saturate soiled areas with CSI Urine® overlapping edges ofstain. Do not srub. Do not use with other cleaners. Allow to airdry. When completely dry vacuum any residue. Carpet / Fabrics: Donot shampoo or steam-clean urine-soiled carpet or fabric until after odourand stain have been removed with CSI URINE®. Saturate soiled areas withCSI URINE® overlapping edges of stain. Urine spreads 2-4 times its surfacesize as liquid soaks into underlay, so cover at least 2x the size of thestain with the product. Leave for 10-15 minutes to allow CSI URINE® tosoak in then blot any excess moisture with a clean colour-safecloth. Allow the area to air dry naturally over 24-48 hours. TheBio-Enzymatic Technology will continue to work at the molecular level untilthe carpet is dry. Repeat application if necessary to attack old, set-instains. Ingredients: <5% non ionic surfactants, enzymes, perfumes.Contains Coumarin. 500 ml spray bottle 150 ml mini spray bottle